
Quickshare is a part of EggZack’s Promote module of which users with EggZack hosted websites can benefit greatly. With Quickshare, we provide a way to share files, links and photos. These files and links can be displayed on your website at the click of a button by activating an Automatic Feed.

To activate the Automatic Feed:

  1. Log into EggZack
  2. Go to Website > Automatic Feeds and turn on the feeds for Files or Links Feed.
  3. Change the placement of the feed on your website by moving it in Website > MenuThis will automatically generate a page which you can then place from within the Website > Menu.

To use Quickshare:

  1. Log into EggZack
  2. Go to Promote > Quickshare
  3. Select the media you want to share:
    1. Links will be shared to automatic feeds
    2. Files will be shared to Automatic Feeds to let users download or let you host files and provide a link
      1. Once shared, visit Promote > Published to download or link to the file (copy and paste the link).
    3. Photos let you share an image to existing galleries and share to your Social and Blog Outlets
    4. Videos allows you to connect to your youtube channel and upload videos. However, this is a convenience feature and video uploads do take time so we highly recommend uploading using the Youtube.com site and a desktop device.

Note that any time you use Quickshare for Files and Links only those feeds will be updated. You may use this as a way to host Files on EggZack such as registration forms and information packets.

Quicksharing Photos brings aspects of posting and uploading gallery images together. You can share a JPG image to your existing galleries and other outlets. Just note that this is not the same as posting articles. 

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