Published Articles

If you have wandered into this section then it’s safe to say you’ve been successful in getting your posts to your website, social media, and email. Published is where you can find a history of all of your posts.


In Promote, Published allows you to View the post as it appears to the public, grab Links and Edit the articles as you see fit.


In Email, Promote allows you to View emails sent using both the Promote and Email modules. You will also be able to view stats and a log of who an email was sent to and when they were opened.


To Edit a published post in Promote:


  1. Click Published
  2. Click Edit
  3. Change information as necessary as you would to create a post


*Note – After publishing to social media or email outlets once there is no reposting. Links will remain active, and information on the website post can be changed, however, any information changes in noticeable sections like title will not be reflected in social media or email.

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