My First Post

Now that you’ve read up on the important stuff, you’re ready to post. To create your first post you’ll need an account. For your first post:

  1. Login to EggZack
  2. Click on the Post module
  3. Select your Post Type (News, Event, Offer etc.)
    1. Type in a News Title
    2. Type or copy and paste content into the large text area
      1. Format content as needed
    3. Click the “+Add image” button
      1. Upload an image and Insert
    4. Scroll down and click Publish
  4. You have published to your website/feed
  5. Scroll down and click Promote
  6. Review the Overview to see if there were any failures


Congratulations! You have created a post. You may View your post by clicking on Published. If you see your website, great! If you see a page similar to the image below then your account setup isn’t complete yet, we’re working on it.

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