
In the EggZack platform you have your menu bar full of different tools ranging from Stats and Promote to Settings. Here’s an overview of what each is for:

  1. Stats: Need to see where your website views are coming from? What about specific Articles and Emails? This module will let you do just that! You can see what percentage of activity your Outlets are bringing in, which pages are being viewed, how many views per day and more! This information is key if you use the system to analyze your progress and make decisions about when and how to post.
  2. Post: Publishing, Promoting, Selling, the bread and butter of EggZack is all done in this module. There are some handy features in here to make it as EZ as possible including the EZ File Manager, web friendly content editor, and ability to go back to your posts.
  3. Email: Newsletter? No problem. Digest? Just tell us when. We give you the tools to make emailing easy. Let people know what they’ve missed for the week, the month, or just send them an update because you feel like it.
  4. Website: Our powerful platform brings together everything you could need to manage your website. Create, modify, or delete your own pages, add galleries, or move your menu. If you can think of it, there is probably a tool. There are even options for advanced web users. If it can’t be done on your end, contact us and we’ll work with you to get what you need on there.
  5. Social: Connect your social media and feeds using the simple Social module.
  6. SEO: Search Engine Optimization in its simplest form. You don’t have to be an eggspert to get SEO benefits. We’ve tailored SEO to businesses in such a way that all you need to do is go through the steps and click from existing categories or type in a few yourself.
  7. Yes-No: EggZack is built around maximizing your time and money. If you don’t want to write the content, we have a team of professional writers that will write your content for a fee. You can even subscribe to content that already exists.
  8. Settings: Manage user access, change your business description, or update your information.
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